Dear Miss Paige, tiny little baby is no longer tiny! You are 5 months old today!! How is that even possible. There is no way you should be almost half a year old yet. It is weird, it seems like you should only be a newborn still but then it feels like you have always been apart of our life! Hard to remember life before you sweet Miss P!
You had your 4 month check up a couple weeks ago and you weighed 14 pounds 8 ounces (53%) 24 1/2 inches long (41%) and your head was 16 1/2 (62%). We weighed you last night and you were a little over 15 pounds...growing girl! You did pretty good with your shots this time around. You cried while getting them but then were all smiles. No fevers this time...I think because I gave you Tylenol before hand.
You still eat 6 ounces of breast milk/formula 5 times a day. I am still able to pump most of your milk for you which I am so thankful for! I usually have to supplement 8 ounces a day on average. You also started eating rice cereal! You didn't care for it the first time or really the first bite each time you eat but you are a big fan! I apparently don't get the spoon up to you quick enough because you come to the spoon with your mouth wide open. You eat cereal twice a day..the second time right before bed and man you pass out pretty quick after than and your bottle! You are so much fun to make a big mess and love it! In a couple more weeks I will introduce some veggies to you! Oh...I don't know what you love more..eating or sitting in your high chair. You LOVE it! Speaking of eating...if you have something in your hand, it goes straight to your mouth! You can even see something, pick it up and bring to your mouth. Such a smart baby girl!
You still take several naps during the day. When I pick you up from school they tell me you usually napped for about 30 minutes after your bottle. Then you nap for about an hour-hour and half when you get home. Then late afternoon you will have another hour or longer nap. Your favorite place to nap is in someones is my favorite too!
You had a HUGE milestone this month...teething! I think that is what is causing your runny noses. Right when you turned 4 months old you decided you need to be a big girl and start teething. Not many 4 month old do this...why did you have to start so young?? You have two little teeth on the bottom. No pictures yet...little hard to do that. We think you may be teething again but we haven't felt any yet.
I think you love your school. You go every morning and each day at lunch when I pick you up Mrs Linda tells me how happy you were all day. You just play so well. Your BB picked you up last week and said all the babies (3 or 4) were crying so bad and you were just on the floor smiling and playing...see told you that you were perfect!
You are still a big stretcher! It is the cutest thing too and your BB's favorite thing! Every time you lay down on your changing table you just stretch and stretch. I hope that doesn't change....we love it!
You had another first this month. You helped celebrate your Daddy and Mama's 30th Birthday! We went to Greenville with BB to shop on my birthday and you loved the mall. It was feeding time so we feed you your bottle in the mall and you only cared about people watching. And people loved to look at you too! Who can blame them right??
All of your firsts: teeth, cold, antibiotic, parents birthday, Greenville mall, trip to farm to watch us shoot at targets, laugh, rice cereal and I believe that is all! What a big month though!
I know I say this on all of your monthly updates...but how are you 5 months old?!?! I am in shock of how fast my baby is growing up. You know you don't have to grow so fast..I mean teeth at 4 months? You could have waited until at least 6 months like most babies right? But I wouldn't change it for the world. You are perfect in our eyes! Your Daddy and I love you very much and can not wait to see what this next month will have in store for you. Will you be sitting on your own or crawling? Will you like your new veggies you can eat? Cant wait to find out. Hopefully we will have a cold-free month! We love you very much...more than you can imagine sweet girl! Happy 5 months Miss P!
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