How excited are you to be 8 months old already?!? I am just in love with that sweet picture. It really shows off your personality! You are just growing up so fast! I get so excited to see how you will grow each month but then I realize how fast it is going...I want you to stay my little baby for longer! That isn't going to happen is it?? You will be a walking toddler before we know it!
I honestly do not know how much you weigh exactly this month. I know you have put on a little weight since your 7 month update but not sure how much...you are somewhere around 18 pounds. You do not go back to the doctor until you are 9 months old thank goodness!
The past month you have really enjoyed your sleep at night. You have been wanting to go to sleep around 845 and sleep until 745 in the morning. I still love our night time together...I know a lot of people say don't let your baby get used to rocking, but that is our special time! We say our prayers and just cuddle. I wouldn't trade night time routine for
anything. You are usually asleep within 1 minute of finishing your bottle but I rock for a little while longer! You usually have a 30-45 minute nap at school but sometimes you are just too excited and want to play the entire time! Then you have anywhere from an hour to two hour nap in the afternoon. Every once in a while you wake up during the night and I just give you your paci and you go right back to sleep. This past week those teeth were bothering you so we had a couple rough nights!
Lucky us..teething is back! I honestly can not tell how many teeth are coming in. There are at least two of your top teeth and it may be a third up there coming in. All I know is that I am ready for them to come in soon! You are so mobile now...you can CRAWL! I think it was two days after you turned 7 months old you were crawling and a few days after that...you mastered it! You love being able to get where you want to go!
Guess what else you can do? You can pull your self up and stand now! You love pulling up on toys, furniture and us. You always look so proud of your self...we are just waiting for you to walk now! How is that even possible you are old enough for all of this! I love it though! One of my favorite things you did this month was say "Mama and Dada"!!! It is more like "Mamamamama and Dadadada". It is the cutest thing ever. What is even better in the mornings when you are ready to get out of the crib, I hear "Mamamamamama...." I absolutely love it! You really talk all the time...non stop! I cant even imagine what it will be like in a few months!! It will be nice to know what you are thinking though!
You just love smiling and people...we are trying to teach you to wave. Sometimes you just move your entire arms up and down really fast and other times you move your fingers like you are waving. Then most of the time you do nothing! Ha. One day you will figure the whole waving thing out! Your Daddy is pretty excited that you are getting older and can play with you better. Speaking of Daddy...did you know you give him the best smiles ever! You get so very excited whenever you see him...I love it! I believe your favorite thing now is your bath time since you have started taking a bath in the tub. You have so much room and love crawling in the water. You have toys and love playing with them in the tub. You have the best time and sometimes I have to drag you out because you have been in there so long! You are quite entertaining!
You have started to really enjoy your stuffed animals lately. You can tell you are trying to love on them...so sweet! I need to get you a baby doll! You love all your toys on the floor. You will play on the floor forever as long as we are in sight you are happy. You are not a big fan of the exersaucer anymore...you want to be able to move and crawl around! I cant blame you...I wouldn't want to be confined in a small place either! I love that you want to explore!
You absolutely love to be outside! Whether it is in your stroller, in your red wagon, or just being held, you love it all! We try to swing several times a week and you will just sit back and relax for usually 30 minutes at a time. Your favorite thing is when Gracie walks up and licks your feet...you just laugh and squeal! You have discovered grass and dirt. You love having your feet in them and playing! Why not get dirty and have fun...you are only young once right?!
You are quite the social butterfly, especially now that you are crawling. Since you are mobile now, if there is someone you want attention from or to talk to...you go to them now. Every day when I pick you up from school, you are just a busy bee! Either playing with your favorite toys or "talking" to Abbi and Caroline. The three of you are the only ones that can crawl and they can walk so y'all stick together a lot! Abbi likes to hug you which knocks you over a lot but you don't seem to mind and start giggling! So sweet!
We had an exciting month Miss Paige! You went to your first kid's birthday party, celebrated Aunt JoJo's Birthday, celebrated Mother's Day and was even dedicated at church! What a special month this was.
All of your firsts: crawling, standing up (while holding on), saying Mama and Dada, attended a kid's birthday party, Dedicated at Church, Mother's Day, eating apples, mangos, puffs, mum mums, and yogurt bites, and I believe that was all your firsts this month! That is a lot to celebrate sweet girl!
Here are a couple of my favorite videos from this month!
This was your first attempt at crawling..I need to get a new video of you now since you have it mastered!
I can not believe my sweet baby is already 8 months old...only 4 short months until you are a year old! Wow...crazy to think about. Time is flying by and that is why I want to spend every minute possible with you! You put me in the best mood and always keep me smiling! I hope you know how much you are loved sweet girl. There are so many people...some that have never met you that love you so much! But no one loves you like your Mama and Daddy do! We are so thankful for you and so blessed to be your parents! Here's to another memorable month with you sweet girl. We can not wait to see what you figure out now...always an adventure!
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