I was going to wait until after Mother's Day to write about this but I will just write about a recap then. But I really just wanted to write about how special this day is this year. This time last year I was pregnant and really couldn't believe I was having a baby of my own! I have always dreamed of being a Mom...it is what I have always wanted. When I was growing up and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up...I always said a Mama! Thanks to Miss Paige..I finally am one now!
With Mother's Day coming up, it has really got me thinking about the past year. Being a Mama is hard work but it is actually so much easier than I thought it ever would be. They always say it just comes naturally and it really does! I know Paige has been a pretty easy baby so that may be part of it as well. I am not a decision maker...just ask my sister, but when it comes to Paige, I can make a decision in a heart beat and never look back. I just know what is best for her and our family. It may not be the decision others would make but it is mine!
The day we brought Paige home, I was terrified! I didn't know if I would know how to raise this pretty baby! It is a lot of pressure but I wouldn't change it for the world. It is crazy to think that you and your husband are parents and the ones to raise a baby all by yourself! Just hope we don't screw her up too much ;)
These past 8 months have been the BEST 8 months of my life. I never really thought anything would top college life...man was I wrong. I love every morning when we are getting ready and every night rocking her to sleep...and all the seconds in between! Who knew being a Mama would be this awesome!
I just hope that everyone that wants to be a Mama gets to be...everyone should experience this love! So happy Mother's day to all my favorite Mamas! A special Happy Mother's Day to my Mom
To my Mother in Law ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/384176_10100590605902958_399084067_n.jpg)
My Mema
And even though she isn't Paige's Mama...she is close enough! JoJo!
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