I promise this is the last post of today but this is the most important one...saving it for last :)
A month ago today, we found out Jodi had Leukemia. It had to be the scariest and saddest day for our family. We didn't know what to expect and that day was defiantly a whirl wind! My Dad came to pick me up to tell me and we drove to Anderson to spend the day with Jodi. Jodi had so many friends come visit her that night that it actually turned out to be a great night for all of us....I think we all needed the smiles and laughs from friends!! Then the next morning my parents and Jodi flew to Houston where they still are. She will still undergo treatments for the next 5 months but she is doing great! She has the best attitude about everything and I am so proud of her :)
She has had her bad days but since she is at MD Anderson, they don't let her have too many! She has only been sick from chemo one day...when she was at the hospital in SC they told her that she would be sick all the time. We are very thankful for MD Anderson and they way they handle chemo!
Anyways, since she will be out there for treatments for a while longer than we thought and the possibility of having a transplant isn't until after October (I was saving vacation days in case I was a match and needed to go to TX if she needed it but my vacation days roll over October 1 so I don't have to worry about saving them anymore). That means I get to go to HOUSTON! I am so excited. It is very hard to have my sister and parents there and I am here and feel like I cant help her...that's why I send her lots of packages and help with fundraisers for her! When I don't hear from her for a few hours and she isn't saying anything on facebook (she has been very a active facebooker this past month) I start to get worried because the last time that happened, last Thursday, she got really sick. So I didn't hear from her for 2 hours last night and I started worrying! She finally sent me a text back and she actually had friends over for dinner and they were entertaining! I am so glad she was enjoying her night...that is a prime example why I hate being so far away...no clue what is going on sometimes! :)
Anyways, thank you for all the prayers and thoughts about Jodi and my family...we really appreciate it!! Here are a couple of pictures of Jodi's hair. Since she is embracing the whole losing hair side affect of chemo, I thought I would share with your how pretty she looks!
This may be my favorite picture of her :) |
Her new do after she started chemo |
Mom aka hairdresser! |
Love this one!! |
Doesn't she look great? |
She tried on wigs yesterday but she realized that she is going to stick with pretty scarves! I cant wait to see pictures of her modeling them!! :)