Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Shots, Shots, Shots

Today is the day that Paige I have been dreading for a long time...2 month shots (even though she is almost 11 weeks old)!  I have heard horror stories from other mama's and of course my sister (for those who don't know she had a stem cell transplant and has to have all of her baby shots again).  So I have been preparing myself for a very upset baby.

We get to her appointment and she has no idea what to expect...look how happy she is...
Yes she has a paci but you can see she is happy!  We hung out and got all her measurements.  She weighs 11 pounds 14 ounces and is 23 inches long.  Her head is 15 3/4!  She is a growing girl...all of her measurements are between 60-68th percentile!

Finally it was time for her shots.  Miss Paige did great! I think it helped that she was so sleepy too!  She took one by mouth then two in her legs.  The first one she cried a tiny bit and then screamed for the second.  But she stopped crying before the shot was even over with.  Her doctor said babies usually cry longer but Paige was passed out in no time!  I will take crying for 15 seconds for shots any day!

We left the doctors and she is still passed out...I hate to move her out of her car seat because she looks so peaceful!
Well this Mama is glad her shots are over for a while!  Now to enjoy some Miss Paige time!!


  1. I remember when my son had to go in for his 2 month shots. It's gut wrenching, but it is pretty amazing how resilient and tough babies are. She is such a little sweet heart!

  2. We've never had much issues with shots, knock on wood. H usually cries when they go in but consoles very easily. He's never been feverish or sick afterward either... again, knock on wood! I hope you have the same good luck with Miss Paige. :)

  3. She did great with her shots. When my lil guy went for his 2 month shots he cried and I cried. He went yesterday for his 4 month shots and it was much better. I did not cry, he cry for a minute & then he was asleep for a while.
    I love her pajamas :) That is our favorite outfit of the day.

  4. Ah, shots are so heartbreaking! I am glad they over with! I forgot to mention how I love her name, it's pretty awesome ;)
